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Before the Storm

I got a text early this morning from a radio station in New York asking me to participate in their show this evening. I grew up in...

Taming the Lion

Since anger serves absolutely no purpose, how do we get rid of it? This is the question people have asked me since I addressed the topic...

Wisdom Woke Me

Last night I raffled off my second “Read & Relax” spa basket live on Instagram. I’ve been having so much fun with video recordings...

Dying of Passion

Memorial Day is considered the unofficial start of summer. Most of my life it’s been a weekend for family barbecuing, drinking rum and...

Illegal to Essential

At the beginning of 2020 I announced a blend of kombucha and prosecco, that I named the “Kombuchecco,” as my drink for the New Year....

Curiosity is the Antidote

When I was a kid my father used to like to say, "you have to know who you are." It sounded wise, but most of the time I didn't know what...

Layers that Shroud

Last night I had a dream that I was with a male friend, perhaps a budding love interest. He was driving me to a creative writing event...


Corona virus aka #rona is on a 24-hour news cycle now. I’ve never seen anything like it. I keep telling my daughter that it feels like...

Love Your Corners

When I was growing up my family used to call me Tricia. In elementary school the kids called me Patricia. By the start of high school I...

Blog: Blog2
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